Marina Fingers Innovation

In this blog, John Hogan discusses the innovation and advancement of marinas and specifically marina fingers, which ensure a safer environment for boats when mooring.

Marine software

For those of us that enjoy boating the revolution in marine technology has made boating much easier and safer. The range is staggering and a blog would never start to cover it, so here a couple of favourites that are inexpensive or free. First up is the App easily downloaded called Shralp Tide (search app […]


They say necessity is the mother of invention and so it is in our shop. Last year we were fortunate enough to win a project for 750m of floating walkway to an industrial installation. Once we had finished the high fives routine, somebody said, “do you realise we need to weld up 1.5km of handrails?”. […]

Basic Boat Anchoring Need To Knows

This week CEO John Hogan explains some basic principles of anchoring a boat. The best rule to follow is 7x times the depth of the water for the amount of chain to let out.

Whitsunday Promotions

This week I have been in the Whitsundays and living on board while participating in some of the events that are focused around boating

New uses for Marinamate trolleys

I recently visited Phil McGowan CMM at Birkenhead Point Marina. Phil was working on an idea for a quick response fire water pump that would also double as an emergency vessel pump out retrieval tool as well. I order to achieve this Phil wanted a system that made it easy to get the entire pump […]

New insights for floating marinas

Last Friday in bright sunshine and on a windless day in Portland, Victoria, a new chapter was heralded in the area’s long maritime history. It was a day when dreams came true for many people that have envisioned a better way to interact with the sea which is so important to this community.