Floating Helipads for Gold Coast 600
In this blog, John discusses the long relationship that Superior has with providing stable floating helicopter landing pads for the Gold Coast 600 – Aerial footage courtesy of Gold Coast Helitours www.goldcoasthelitours.com.au
They say necessity is the mother of invention and so it is in our shop. Last year we were fortunate enough to win a project for 750m of floating walkway to an industrial installation. Once we had finished the high fives routine, somebody said, “do you realise we need to weld up 1.5km of handrails?”. […]
GCWA Speed Limit Survey & Camera Monitoring Waterways
This week John Hogan discusses the new survey available from Gold Coast Waterways Authority to have your say on proposed speed limit changes for some of the Gold Coast waterways. He also talks a bit about the new cameras monitoring hot spot waterway areas across the Gold Coast.
Water Front Real Estate Mini Series – Property Boundaries (2)
Superior has created a Water front Mini series about all the things you need to know when purchasing a water front property and the things to look out for. This week CEO John Hogan talks about property boundaries and how they reflect the vessel size that can be parked on that property. Also explained is […]
Boat Lift Maintenance
This week John talks about some great little tips on keeping your boat lift in tip top condition and preventing common maintenance issues that arise. superiorjetties.com/boat-lifts )
Basic Boat Anchoring Need To Knows
This week CEO John Hogan explains some basic principles of anchoring a boat. The best rule to follow is 7x times the depth of the water for the amount of chain to let out.
The clarity of navigation and beacons
In this weeks blog I would like to talk about the basics of navigation and beacons (Lateral Markers) when out on the water
METS – Marine Equipment Trade Show Amsterdam 2013
CEO John Hogan talks about the upcoming 2013 METS trade show in Amsterdam. METS is the, go to place for networking and marine products worldwide. It is the largest marine trade show in the world and Superior will be exhibiting in the Australian pavilion in conjunction with AIMEX
Gold Coast Marine Expo 2013
CEO John Hogan talks about the upcoming Gold Coast Marine Expo on the 1, 2, 3 November 2013 and what you can expect to see and do at the show.
2013 Pacific International Maritime Exposition
CEO John Hogan talks about this weeks Pacific conference held at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre. This show covers everything from defence through to industrial maritime products.