I am writing this week as we have decided to go to the Sydney Boatshow with an exhibit similar to the major effort we do at Sanctuary Cove each year. This is an opportunity to interact better with our NSW based customers and show our wares. I am excited about our possibilities in this dynamic market right on the magnificent Sydney Harbour with a stunning display including the Sunstream 4.7 tonne Floatlift. We will exhibit our new range of sustainable products as well as be taking feedback on what customers want to see in future products.

The opportunity to make a difference is a great way to impact the marketplace to improve the ownership experience. I try to achieve this every day however I recently saw a great example that I would like to share. I have loved music ever since I first learnt the piano when I was very young. These days I still play guitar and recently I was reading about Bob Taylor from Taylor Guitars in California USA. He had a problem with the industry running short of a very scare resource, the wood used for the fingerboards. Have a look at the video on how he made a difference.

This is inspiring stuff and just as Bob has done we are working to improve our products from Superior in a similar way. Drop in at Sydney and tell us how you would like to see flotation products improved, or send me an email to attend one of our lunches specifically for customer feedback.
The next one is on August 10th on the Gold Coast and I am looking for volunteers right now. If you cannot be there in person we will Skype you in with our designers who are doing a great job.

Until we talk again.
All the best!


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