Marina Systems

Marine Structures offers a range of robust pontoon systems, including the Mega Elite, Super Elite, Elite, Capri II, and Modular Dock Systems, designed to meet the needs of commercial marinas, superyachts, industrial applications, and recreational facilities.

Superior Mega Elite Pontoon System

The Superior Mega Elite Pontoon System is a proven commercial marina, superyacht and industrial product. As the largest mass concrete pontoons, the system is designed to provide vessel berthing and custom wave attenuation for heavy duty and rough weather applications.

The 5-sided 50 mPa marine grade concrete structure, with an individual pontoon mass larger than other solutions on the market, provides more stability and more concrete to areas where it is structurally required. Reinforcing mesh in the wall and the concrete deck, which is more than 150% thicker than other leading products, provides an overall longer design life. The pontoon design includes plastic welded HDPE for base protection, SL Grade polystyrene voids, reinforcing bar perimeter beam where required, and is completed with custom rotomoulded polyethylene edge protection and service conduits to accommodate electrical, water and fire services.

Designed with a high freeboard to suit large vessel requirements, and allowance for heavy deck traffic and vehicle access, the high mass pontoons can handle high concentrated wave/vessel loads (pile guide connection, heavy duty commercial D fender, cast alloy cleats, fabricated bollards) and transfer the loads through the mooring system.

The innovative Superior Compression Coupling is used to connect the pontoon units together. This consists of rotationally moulded connection boxes, stainless steel bolts, nuts and washers and EDPM connection rubbers. A built-in locking mechanism prevents the nuts from opening and eliminates the need to tighten bolts, delivering unmatched long-term value.

The Superior Mega Elite Pontoon stands out as the market leading, low maintenance solution for harsh conditions that will withstand the test of time.

Superior Super Elite Pontoon System

The Superior Super Elite Pontoon System is another trusted solution for commercial marinas and industrial applications – differing to the Mega Elite with the use of aluminium waler. 

This also is a 5-sided 50 mPa marine grade concrete structure, with an individual pontoon mass larger than other solutions on the market. The walls are all concrete as is the concrete deck, which is 150% thicker than other leading products. The pontoon design includes plastic welded HDPE for base protection, SL Grade polystyrene voids, and a reinforcing bar perimeter beam where required.

High quality Australian sourced extruded aluminium waler (6005 T6) is incorporated on the perimeter of each high pontoon which also maintains the same appearance as the Elite marina system. A simple yet extremely durable connection with our elastomeric hinge allows for the natural movement from wave action within the marina system. This connection also allows for an easy connection to the Elite Pontoon System.

The Superior Super Elite Pontoon system is an extremely versatile and cost-effective marina solution designed to endure the test of time.

Superior Elite Pontoon System

The specially formulated Superior Elite Pontoon System is suitable for any single application to large scale commercial marinas. The heavy-duty pontoon arrangement is constructed using reinforced concrete deck with an average thickness of 125mm and a solid monolithic flotation system protected by a tough and flexible polyethylene skin.

The concrete pontoons are connected by purpose built elastomeric hinges allowing the units to expand and contract. It is smartly finished with a customised aluminium waler that incorporates a unique press-in bump rubber fender which eliminates the need for screws.

The waler also allows for adjustable positioning of pile brackets, hinges and fingers. Utility services for power, water, data and fire can easily be incorporated via purpose-built conduit ducts running inside the pontoon.

The Elite Marina System is an attractive, durable, element resistant and functional system that can be used for commercial marina operations, fuel and service docks and rowing platforms.

Superior Capri II Pontoon System

The Superior Capri II Marina System is a medium duty option ideal for commercial and club marinas. The flotation system is made of hard-wearing polyethylene floats which bolt to the aluminium super structure and do not deteriorate in a marine environment. It also incorporates a custom extruded waler design that allows for a visually pleasing finish and versatility.

Open areas between flotation modules allow for debris removal and the system has less draft in the water than a concrete system. The waler allows for cleat placement, adjustable positioning of pile brackets, hinges, fingers and fenders, and easy access to all marina service line requirements and dual service ducts along each side.

A variety of decking options are available including Superior Eco Tile, hardwood timber, wood plastic composite, polymer open mesh, grating or composite concrete. All provide a very functional and attractive finish.

The Capri II Marina System is easily transportable to site and is quickly assembled. It is container friendly and ideal for export.

Superior Modular Dock System

The Superior Modular Dock (SMD) System uses tough polyethylene rotomoulded modules that are available in a range of sizes. This is a versatile option applicable to situations where a smart appearance and flexibility is required, as the modules are easily demountable and moveable.

The varied sizes allow for multiple layout combinations and are tough and durable, non-slip, UV resistant and do not deteriorate in a marine environment. 

A variety of custom accessories (e.g. handrails, safety ladders) are also available making the SMD Marina System a popular choice for commercial applications including marinas, helipads, floating platforms, swimming platforms, settlement ponds, aquaculture and ramps for boat launching and retrieval.

Available Sizes:

The modules are also container friendly for worldwide shipping.