A highlight last week was my visit to Patterson Lakes a short drive down the Mornington Penninsula from Melbourne. This wide expanse of canals is under the management of Melbourne Water and they have Fulton Hogan as the Project Managers to deliver the largest infrastructure upgrade in the past 20 years. Each structure in the canals has been audited in a complete survey by GHD and the old wooden structures are being removed to receive a replacement jetty. This new design still has a wooden piles support, however the deck is supported with long lasting aluminium and a timber deck. Each home owner is consulted and offered the option to upgrade to a floating pontoon if desired.
Superior has a 25 year tradition of servicing residential clients so it has been a good partnership with a permanent crew on site along with one of our barges, Lobster, permanently located in Victoria for piling and demolition work. The Lobster craft is ideal along with pusher workboat Shrimp to access the tight lock gates and service the whole project from outside the residential estate.
Scott Edwards and the team at VCMC are our partners in this project and this team produces Superior products now in Victoria close to the site for quick and efficient response to client needs. On a water tour this week I was struck by the amount of floating equipment on the canals with more than 50% of customers choosing floating pontoons in preference to fixed structures. One tinny hanging by its mooring ropes was proof enough that fixed moorings are not a great idea anymore when floating is so easy to install and operate these days. Added to this were many boatlifts, skidocks, cruisers and kayaks showing living by the waters edge has similar appeal wherever you live.
Superior is now delivering the Sunstream boatlift solution to Victoria so we now have stock on site and ready to go to store your boat through the winter. Now is the best time to buy while transport is subsidised with the other works on site.