Waterfront Development – The world needs more

In this weeks blog, John discusses the exciting water front developments progressing throughout Asia, and how Australia can benefit from being at the forefront of this growing industry.  

Global industry recognition an honour

Superior received an award at the Australian Marine Export & Superyacht Industry Awards held the week of the Sanctuary Cove International Boat Show. It was an honour to receive an award for our achievements offshore.

Marina Construction Cost

Many marina owners are faced with the challenge of how to determine the fair cost of a major capital investment such as a new floating marina. The actual product is a combination of structural and civil engineering, geotechnical and environmental considerations along with complex social issues throughout the increasingly detailed approval processes

New insights for floating marinas

Last Friday in bright sunshine and on a windless day in Portland, Victoria, a new chapter was heralded in the area’s long maritime history. It was a day when dreams came true for many people that have envisioned a better way to interact with the sea which is so important to this community.