Weipa Pontoon Project


Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR)


Evans Landing, Weipa QLD


$ 3.2m


The Evans Landing Wave Attenuator Pontoon System Project at Evans Landing in Weipa, Queensland saw the design and construction of an advanced wave attenuator pontoon system including new berthing pontoons to replace the existing concrete pontoon.

As part of the upgrade, the project features two large aluminum pontoons and two 12m aluminum pontoons, along with a 12m concrete pontoon. These additions will significantly improve docking and stability, offering a more reliable and durable solution for managing wave action and accommodating vessels. The updated infrastructure aims to boost the functionality and resilience of the Evans Landing Marina.

Scope / Areas of Business

  • Design & Engineering
  • Concrete Pontoons
  • Aluminium Pontoons
  • Piling
  • Pedestrian & Cycle Bridges
  • Mining & Infrastructure
  • Floating Walkways